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Ezekiel 21-37
ISBN: PB: 9780300139679, Yale University Press, December 2007
372 pp., 22.9x15.2 cm, black&white tables
Ezekiel was and is perhaps the most misunderstood and challenging Hebrew prophet. His prophecies and visions transport us to almost indescribable realms, completely uncharted territory this side of heaven. But as one of Israel's three major prophets,...
Ezra, Nehemiah
ISBN: PB: 9780300139556, Yale University Press, December 2007
356 pp., 22.9x15.2 cm
The books of "Ezra" and "Nehemiah", treated here as one larger work, continue the story of Israel's experience begun in the biblical books of I and II Chronicles. In the wake of Persia replacing Babylon as the ruling empire in the ancient Near East,...
I and II Esdras
ISBN: PB: 9780300139983, Yale University Press, December 2007
416 pp., 22.9x15.2 cm, illus.
"I and II Esdras" is Volume 42 in the "Anchor Bible" series of new book-by-book translations of the Old and New Testaments and Apocrypha, each by a preeminent scholar. Jacob M. Myers is Professor of Old Testament at the Lutheran Theological Seminary...
I Chronicles 10-29
ISBN: HB: 9780300139532, Yale University Press, December 2007
608 pp., 22.9x15.2 cm, black&white illus., maps
In this latest addition to the esteemed "Anchor Bible series", scholar Gary Knoppers examines one of the most neglected books of the Hebrew Bible and establishes its importance to understanding the nation of Israel. What was the place of the monarchy...
I Chronicles 1-9
ISBN: HB: 9780300139525, Yale University Press, December 2007
544 pp., 22.9x15.2 cm
In his latest addition to the esteemed "Anchor Bible Commentaries", scholar Gary Knoppers examines one of the most neglected books of the Old Testament and established its importance as a key to understanding the nation of Israel. Who were the Israel...
ISBN: HB: 9780300140750, Yale University Press, December 2007
504 pp., 22.9x15.2 cm
This third edition of the "Anchor Bible Book Of Job" (Volume 15 in the series) contains numerous new, revised or augmented notes. Of special interest is the inclusion of readings from the earliest translation of the "Book Of Job", the recently publis...
I Kings
ISBN: HB: 9780300140538, Yale University Press, December 2007
576 pp., 22.9x15.2 cm, black&white illus., maps
Beginning with the death of David and the rise of Solomon, "1 Kings" charts the history of Israel through the divided monarchy, when Ahab reigned in the north and Jehoshaphat reigned in the south. This new translation, with introduction and commentar...
I Maccabees
ISBN: HB: 9780300140736, Yale University Press, December 2007
624 pp., 22.9x15.2 cm, maps, figures
"The Apocryphal book of "I Maccabees" (Volume 41 in the acclaimed "Anchor Bible" series) is an inspirational thriller. " With the help of God, the aged priest Mattathias and his sons – Judas Maccabaeus, Jonathan, and Simon – dramatically lead the Jew...
Archaeology of the Land of the Bible Volume 1: 10,000-586 B.C.E.
ISBN: PB: 9780300140071, Yale University Press, December 2007
608 pp., 23.4x15.6 cm, illus.
Every year thousands of enthusiasts, both amateur and professional, spend the summer months digging in the sands of Israel hoping to find items that relate in some way to the places or events depicted in the Bible. Thousands more view artifacts in mu...
I Samuel
ISBN: PB: 9780300139501, Yale University Press, December 2007
496 pp., 22.9x15.2 cm, 1 black&white illus.
The two books of Samuel narrate the establishment and expansion of the Kingdom of Israel. From Samuel's providential birth, to his appointment of Saul as Israel's first king, to the demise of Saul and the rise of David as his successor, "I and II Sam...