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Legislative Style
ISBN: PB: 9780226510286, ISBN: HB: 9780226510149, University of Chicago Press, February 2018
272 pp., 22.8x15.2 cm, 36 line drawings, 26 tables
Once elected, members of Congress face difficult decisions about how to allocate their time and effort. On which issues should they focus? What is the right balance between working in one's district and on Capitol Hill? How much should they engage wi...
Why Parties Matter Political Competition and Democracy in the American South
ISBN: PB: 9780226495378, ISBN: HB: 9780226495231, University of Chicago Press, February 2018
304 pp., 22.8x15.2 cm, 72 halftones, 17 line drawings, 20 tables
Since the founding of the American Republic, the North and South have followed remarkably different paths of political development. Among the factors that have led to their divergence throughout much of history are differences in the levels of compet...
Season in the Congo
ISBN: PB: 9780857424877, ISBN: HB: 9781905422944, Seagull Books, February 2018
168 pp., 20.3x12.7 cm
This play by renowned poet and political activist Aime Cesaire recounts the tragic death of Patrice Lumumba, the first prime minister of the Congo Republic and an African nationalist hero. "A Season in the Congo" follows Lumumba's efforts to free the...
Towards a History of the National-Popular in Bolivia
ISBN: HB: 9780857423580, Seagull Books, February 2018
304 pp., 22.8x15.2 cm
Bolivia's foremost social and political theorist, Rene Zavaleta Mercado held diplomatic and ministerial posts with the Revolutionary Nationalist Movement in the 1950s and '60s, before eventually aligning with the Marxist left, where he developed the...
Salman's Legacy The Dilemmas of a New Era in Saudi Arabia
ISBN: HB: 9781849049658, Hurst Publishers, February 2018
368 pp., 21.6x13.8 cm
For sale in CIS only! King Salman of Saudi Arabia began his rule in 2015 confronted with a series of unprecedented challenges. The dilemmas he has faced are new and significant, from leadership shuffles and falling oil prices to regional and interna...
Inside the Mind of Marine Le Pen
ISBN: PB: 9781849049344, Hurst Publishers, February 2018
232 pp., 19.8x13 cm
For sale in CIS only! What drives Marine Le Pen and France's Front National? Has her party really changed its ways, or is she merely rebranding its old ideas and policies for a new era? In the age of Brexit and Trump, France too has seen a growing...
Inside the Mind of Vladimir Putin
ISBN: PB: 9781849049337, Hurst Publishers, February 2018
208 pp., 19.8x13 cm
For sale in CIS only! The Russian president's landmark speeches, interviews and policies borrow heavily from great Russian thinkers past and present, from Peter the Great to Dostoevsky and Solzhenitsyn. They offer powerful visions of strong leaders...
Constitutional Cliffhangers A Legal Guide for Presidents and Their Enemies
ISBN: PB: 9780300234305, Yale University Press, January 2018
264 pp., 23.5x15.6 cm
The United States Constitution's provisions for selecting, replacing, and punishing presidents contain serious weaknesses that could lead to constitutional controversies. In this compelling and fascinating book, Brian Kalt envisions six such controve...
Syria The Making and Unmaking of a Refuge State
ISBN: HB: 9781849048767, Hurst Publishers, January 2018
288 pp., 22.5x14.5 cm
For sale in CIS only! The dispossession and forced migration of nearly 50 per cent of Syria's population has produced the greatest refugee crisis since World War II. This new book places the current displacement within the context of the widespread...
Hunger and Fury The Crisis of Democracy in the Balkans
ISBN: PB: 9781849048927, Hurst Publishers, January 2018
240 pp., 21.6x13.8 cm
For sale in CIS only! Less than two decades after the Yugoslav Wars ended, the edifice of parliamentary government in the Western Balkans is crumbling. This collapse sets into sharp relief the unreformed authoritarian tendencies of the region's entr...