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Everyday Troubles The Micro-Politics of Interpersonal Conflict
ISBN: PB: 9780226237947, ISBN: HB: 9780226237800, University of Chicago Press, April 2015
304 pp., 22.8x15.2 cm, 2 line drawings
From roommate disputes to family arguments, trouble is inevitable in interpersonal relationships. In "Everyday Troubles", Robert M. Emerson explores the beginnings and development of the conflicts that occur in our relationships with the people we re...
Deepest Human Life An Introduction to Philosophy for Everyone
ISBN: PB: 9780226272771, ISBN: HB: 9780226130385, University of Chicago Press, April 2015
240 pp., 22.8x15.2 cm
Sometimes it seems like you need a PhD just to open a book of philosophy. We leave philosophical matters to the philosophers in the same way that we leave science to scientists. Scott Samuelson thinks this is tragic, for our lives as well as for phil...
Seeing Like a Rover How Robots, Teams, and Images Craft Knowledge of Mars
ISBN: HB: 9780226155968, University of Chicago Press, April 2015
304 pp., 22.8x15.2 cm, 52 colour plates, 29 halftones, 4 line drawings
In the years since the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit and Rover first began transmitting images from the surface of Mars, we have become familiar with the harsh, rocky, rusty-red Martian landscape. But those images are much less straightforward than t...
Democratic Art The New Deal's Influence on American Culture
ISBN: HB: 9780226247182, University of Chicago Press, April 2015
280 pp., 22.8x15.2 cm, 24 halftones, 1 table
Throughout the Great Recession American artists and public art endowments have had to fight for government support to keep themselves afloat. It wasn't always this way. At its height in 1935, the New Deal devoted $27 million – roughly $469 million to...
Edible Memory The Lure of Heirloom Tomatoes and Other Forgotten Foods
ISBN: HB: 9780226228105, University of Chicago Press, April 2015
328 pp., 22.8x15.2 cm
Each week during the growing season, farmers' markets offer up such delicious treasures as brandywine tomatoes, cosmic purple carrots, pink pearl apples, and chioggia beets – varieties of fruits and vegetables that are prized by home chefs and carefu...
Walden Warming Climate Change Comes to Thoreau's Woods
ISBN: PB: 9780226272290, ISBN: HB: 9780226682686, University of Chicago Press, April 2015
264 pp., 22.8x15.2 cm, 15 halftones
In his meticulous notes on the natural history of Concord, Massachusetts, Henry David Thoreau records the first open flowers of highbush blueberry on May 11, 1853. If he were to look for the first blueberry flowers in Concord today, mid-May would be...
Enigma of Diversity The Language of Race and the Limits of Racial Justice
ISBN: PB: 9780226246239, ISBN: HB: 9780226246062, University of Chicago Press, April 2015
352 pp., 22.8x15.2 cm, 6 halftones, 1 map, 2 line drawings, 3 tables
Diversity these days is a hallowed American value, widely shared and honored. That's a remarkable change from the Civil Rights era – but does this public commitment to diversity constitute a civil rights victory? What does diversity mean in contempor...
Big Jones Cookbook Recipes for Savoring the Heritage of Regional Southern Cooking
ISBN: HB: 9780226205724, University of Chicago Press, April 2015
288 pp., 22.8x15.2 cm, 36 line drawings
You expect to hear about restaurant kitchens in Charleston, New Orleans, or Memphis perfecting plates of the finest southern cuisine – from hearty red beans and rice to stewed okra to crispy fried chicken. But who would guess that one of the most inn...
Laughter at the Foot of the Cross
ISBN: PB: 9780226245119, University of Chicago Press, April 2015
352 pp., 22.8x15.2 cm, 4 line drawings
"Christian laughter is a maze: you could easily get snarled up within it". So says Michael A. Screech in his note to readers preceding this collection of fifty-three elegant and pithy essays. As Screech reveals, the question of whether laughter is ac...
My Dear Molly The Civil War Letters of Captain James Love
ISBN: HB: 9781883982829, University of Chicago Press, Missouri Historical Society Press, April 2015
528 pp., 25.4x17.8 cm, 140 halftones
The Missouri History Museum archives are bursting with collections that provide firsthand accounts of both historic and everyday moments, but when archivist M. E. Kodner came across the James Love letters, she knew she had discovered something extrao...