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Selected Poems
ISBN: PB: 9780856356216, Carcanet, January 1986
168 pp., 19x13 cm
"Though nature's sternest painter yet the best" – Byron George Crabbe (1754-1832) arrived late on the Augustan scene. Born in the same decade as Burns and Blake, he outlived Keats by more than ten years. His father was a warehouse-keeper in Aldeburg...
Selected Poems
ISBN: PB: 9780856356407, Carcanet, January 1986
144 pp., 19x13 cm
Part of the "A and R Modern Poets" series, this title contains selections from the work of A. D. Hope, chosen by David Brooks. Hope has also written "Collected Poems" and "Orpheus".
Selected Poems
ISBN: PB: 9780856356674, Carcanet, January 1986
144 pp., 19x13 cm
Selected Poems
ISBN: PB: 9780856356698, Carcanet, January 1986
96 pp., 19x13 cm
"Robert Wells understands how finely man and nature are moulded to each other. In true communion with his surroundings, a man is dowered with a wisdom and an ecstasy that nothing else else can give (and this is perhaps what he is created for)", Georg...
Signalled Love
ISBN: PB: 9780856461446, Carcanet, July 1985
64 pp., 22x14 cm
David Hartnett's first collection introduces a poet with an assured voice and a strong and subtle technique. His poems deal with the fragility and tenaciousness of our relationships, both with others and with the natural order, in the present and the...
Shakespeare's Birthday
ISBN: PB: 9780856461422, Carcanet, April 1985
40 pp., 19x13 cm
The lamentation of the dead has been a preoccupation in Peter Levi's recent poetry, as well as the subject of his inaugural lecture as Oxford Professor of Poetry in 1984. Few poets of our time have found ways in which to compose such sustained medita...
Selected Poems
ISBN: PB: 9780856355974, Carcanet, January 1985
128 pp., 19x13 cm
One of Scotland's most interesting and highly praised writers, his reputation is built upon a considerable body of work in both English and Gaelic that encompasses a wide range of genres including novels, short stories, plays, and poetry.
Selected Poems
ISBN: PB: 9780856355981, Carcanet, January 1985
112 pp., 19x13 cm
This collection of Jeffrey Wainwright's poetry brings together most of his first collection, a Poetry Book Society recommendation, and much of what he has written since that time. The poems confront a wide range of intellectual, personal, and politic...
Selected Poems
ISBN: PB: 9780856355851, Carcanet, January 1985
112 pp., 19x13 cm
Scaffolding New and Selected Poems
ISBN: PB: 9780856461064, Carcanet, May 1984
144 pp., 22x14 cm
"What poetry must do", Jane Cooper has written, "is alert us to a truth, and it must be necessary; once it exists, we realize how much we needed exactly this". "Scaffolding" presents Jane Cooper's new and selected poems gathered over three and a half...