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Just Between Us
ISBN: PB: 9781602233508, University of Chicago Press, University of Alaska Press, March 2018
90 pp., 22.8x15.2 cm
"Just Between Us" is a celebration of the vivid human connections that occur when traveling through some of the world's most stirring landscapes. David McElroy, a former pilot in the far north, transports us from the Arctic to the tropics, over rural...
Fort Necessity
ISBN: PB: 9780226533766, University of Chicago Press, February 2018
80 pp., 22.8x15.2 cm, 3 line drawings
Who are the lords of labor? The owners, or the working bodies? In this smart, ambitious, and powerful book, David Gewanter reads the body as creator and destroyer – ultimately, as the broken mold of its own work. Haunted by his father's autopsy of a...
Woman Prime Poems
ISBN: PB: 9781602233423, University of Chicago Press, University of Alaska Press, February 2018
70 pp., 22.8x15.2 cm
A woman is a series of shifting possibilities. The frame that contained her in the morning can transform into something completely different by afternoon. The roles she's called on to play mutate over the years and throughout a lifetime. And her very...
Losers Dream On
ISBN: PB: 9780226533599, University of Chicago Press, February 2018
80 pp., 22.8x15.2 cm
We are all losing all the time. Four titanic forces – time, mortality, forgetting, and confusion – win victories over us each day. We all "know" this yet we keep dreaming of beautiful fulfillments, shapely culminations, devotions nobly sustained – in...
Senses of Style Poetry before Interpretation
ISBN: PB: 9780226517117, ISBN: HB: 9780226517087, University of Chicago Press, February 2018
240 pp., 21.6x13.9 cm, 1 halftone, 1 line drawing
Style is everywhere, but it evades criticism – especially now, when an age of interpretation asks us to look right through it. And yet style does so much tacit work, telling time, telling us apart, telling us who we are. What place does it have among...
Well at Morning Selected Poems, 1925-1971
ISBN: HB: 9788024634258, University of Chicago Press, Karolinum Press, February 2018
90 pp., 21x14.6 cm, 25 colour plates, 5 halftones
Not for sale in the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic! "Springtide" A chaffinch in a tree of cherry sings merrily spring's introit. Its blazing bobble dwells in leaves, alive, and swells in scarlet. The flowers are flares of white. The c...
Who Reads Poetry 50 Views from "Poetry" Magazine
ISBN: HB: 9780226504766, University of Chicago Press, October 2017
240 pp., 22.8x15.2 cm, 2 halftones, 1 map
Who reads poetry? We know that poets do, but what about the rest of us? When and why do we turn to verse? Seeking the answer, "Poetry" magazine since 2005 has published a column called "The View From Here", which has invited readers "from outside the...
ISBN: HB: 9780226450186, University of Chicago Press, September 2017
432 pp., 22.8x15.2 cm, 1 halftone
So begins the "Aeneid", greatest of Western epic poems. Virgil's story of the journey of Aeneas has been a part of our cultural heritage for so many centuries that it's all too easy to lose sight of the poem itself – of its brilliantly cinematic depi...
Children with Enemies
ISBN: PB: 9780226498591, University of Chicago Press, September 2017
72 pp., 21.6x13.9 cm
There is a gentleness in the midst of savagery in Stuart Dischell's fifth full-length collection of poetry. These poems are ever aware of the momentary grace of the present and the fleeting histories that precede the instants of time. Part elegist, p...
Ends of the Earth Poems
ISBN: PB: 9781602233324, University of Chicago Press, University of Alaska Press, August 2017
96 pp., 22.8x15.2 cm
"Ends of the Earth" uses the landscape of Alaska as a testing ground for love and elegy. It is a poetry collection that contains both lyric responses to the urban Alaska environment and extended sequences that cycle between autobiography, mythic allu...