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ISBN: PB: 9781602233768, University of Chicago Press, University of Alaska Press, February 2019
110 pp., 22.8x15.2 cm, 4 halftones
Mar Ka lives in and writes from the foothills of Alaska's Chugach Mountains".Be-Hooved", her new poetry collection, creates a layered spiritual memoir of her decades in the northern wilderness. The poems inhabit her surroundings – structured along th...
Roughly For the North
ISBN: PB: 9781602233621, University of Chicago Press, University of Alaska Press, November 2018
100 pp., 22.8x15.2 cm
"I wish I were a dancer to let lines fall like that. / But I am dressed like you, roughly for the North" "Roughly for the North" is a tender and complex portrait of an Arctic and sub-arctic world. Full of lush language and imagery, each poem is an a...
Li Bai Rides a Celestial Dolphin Home
ISBN: PB: 9781602233645, University of Chicago Press, University of Alaska Press, November 2018
60 pp., 22.8x15.2 cm
"On the night Li Bai tried to embrace the moon / in its fullness on the surface of the Yangtze River, / blossoms scented the air, and beyond the moon / pale stars powdered the sky. That faint shiver / of white near the surface was a dolphin rising. /...
ISBN: PB: 9780226570693, ISBN: HB: 9780226570723, University of Chicago Press, October 2018
192 pp., 22.8x15.2 cm, 6 colour plates
Praised in recent years as a "calculating, improvisatory, essential poet" by Daisy Fried in the New York Times, and as "the foremost poet-critic of our time" by Craig Dworkin, Charles Bernstein is a leading voice in American poetry".Near/Miss", Berns...
Coming Out of Nowhere Alaska Homestead Poems
ISBN: PB: 9781602233607, University of Chicago Press, University of Alaska Press, September 2018
90 pp., 22.8x15.2 cm, 15 halftones
"The earth near our place/ was cradle, / it rocked us – /became our skin. / House doors opened, / spilled us out, /we disappeared into trees – /they clothed usin delirious green. /... We knew the song/ of this place, made it up, / sang it –" Homeste...
ISBN: PB: 9780226570419, University of Chicago Press, August 2018
80 pp., 22.8x15.2 cm, 4 line drawings
"There are two schools: one that sings the sheen and hues, the necessary pigments and frankincense while the world dries and the other voice like water that seeks to saturate, erode, and boil... It ruins everything you have ever saved". "Spill" is a...
My Bishop and Other Poems
ISBN: PB: 9780226570860, University of Chicago Press, August 2018
80 pp., 22.8x15.2 cm
Think of a time when you've feigned courage to make a friend, feigned forgiveness to keep one, or feigned indifference to simply stay out of it. What does it mean for our intimacies to fail us when we need them most? The poems of this collection expl...
ISBN: PB: 9780226564722, ISBN: HB: 9780226925288, University of Chicago Press, June 2018
208 pp., 23x15 cm
Long anticipated, "Recalculating" is Charles Bernstein's first full-length collection of new poems in seven years. As a result of this lengthy time under construction, the scope, scale, and stylistic variation of the poems far surpasses Bernstein's p...
Everything I Kept Todo Lo Que Guarde
ISBN: PB: 9780997228724, University of Chicago Press, Swan Isle Press, May 2018
128 pp., 22.8x15.2 cm, language: English / Spanish, 10 halftones
Moving between the speech and silence of a woman struggling to speak freely, Ruth Behar embarks on a poetic voyage into her own vulnerability and the sacrifices of her exiled ancestors as she tries to understand love, loss, regret, and the things we...
Strange Footing Poetic Form and Dance in the Late Middle Ages
ISBN: PB: 9780226548043, ISBN: HB: 9780226547992, University of Chicago Press, May 2018
304 pp., 22.8x15.2 cm, 10 colour plates, 25 halftones
For premodern audiences, poetic form did not exist solely as meter, stanzas, or rhyme scheme. Rather, the form of a poem emerged as an experience, one generated when an audience immersed in a culture of dance encountered a poetic text. Exploring the...