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Chasing Warsaw Socio-Material Dynamics of Urban Change since 1990
ISBN: PB: 9783593397788, University of Chicago Press, Campus Verlag, March 2013
336 pp., 21.5x14 cm
Warsaw is one of the most dynamically developing cities in Europe, and its rich history has marked it as an epicenter of many modes of urbanism: Tzarist, modernist, socialist, and – in the past two decades – aggressively neoliberal. Focusing on Warsa...
Statesmanship and Party Government A Study of Burke and Bolingbroke
ISBN: PB: 9780226022178, University of Chicago Press, February 2013
294 pp., 23x15 cm
In this incisive look at early modern views of party politics, Harvey C. Mansfield examines the pamphlet war between Edmund Burke and the followers of Henry St. John, First Viscount Bolingbroke during the mid-eighteenth century. In response to works...
Trams or Tailfins? Public and Private Prosperity in Postwar West Germany and the United States
ISBN: HB: 9780226491493, University of Chicago Press, January 2013
352 pp., 23x15 cm, 1 figure, 8 tables, 12 halftones
In the years that followed World War II, both the United States and the newly formed West German republic had an opportunity to remake their economies. Since then, much has been made of a supposed "Americanization" of European consumer societies – in...
Watching Vesuvius A History of Science and Culture in Early Modern Italy
ISBN: HB: 9780226923710, University of Chicago Press, January 2013
336 pp., 23x15 cm, 19 halftones
Mount Vesuvius has been famous ever since its eruption in 79 CE, when it destroyed and buried the Roman cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum. But less well-known is the role it played in the science and culture of early modern Italy, as Sean Cocco revea...
Atheist's Bible The Most Dangerous Book That Never Existed
ISBN: HB: 9780226530291, University of Chicago Press, October 2012
264 pp., 21.5x14 cm, 1 halftone, 2 line illus.
Like a lot of good stories, this one begins with a rumor: in 1239, Pope Gregory IX accused Frederick II, the Holy Roman Emperor, of heresy. Without disclosing evidence of any kind, Gregory announced that Frederick had written a supremely blasphemous...
Frankenstein of 1790 and Other Lost Chapters from Revolutionary France
ISBN: HB: 9780226160580, University of Chicago Press, September 2012
336 pp., 23x15 cm, 29 halftones, 2 line illus.
The French Revolution brings to mind violent mobs, the guillotine, and Madame Defarge, but it was also a publishing revolution: more than 1,200 novels were published between 1789 and 1804, when Napoleon declared the Revolution at an end. In this book...
Making of Romantic Love Longing and Sexuality in Europe, South Asia, and Japan, 900-1200 CE
ISBN: PB: 9780226706276, ISBN: HB: 9780226706269, University of Chicago Press, August 2012
456 pp., 23x15 cm
In the twelfth century, the Catholic Church attempted a thoroughgoing reform of marriage and sexual behavior aimed at eradicating sexual desire from Christian lives. Seeking a refuge from the very serious condemnations of the Church and relying on a...
Images in Spite of All Four Photographs from Auschwitz
ISBN: PB: 9780226148175, University of Chicago Press, May 2012
248 pp., 21.8x14.2 cm, 30 halftones
Of one and a half million surviving photographs related to Nazi concentration camps, only four depict the actual process of mass killing perpetrated at the gas chambers. "Images in Spite of All" reveals that these rare photos of Auschwitz, taken clan...
Baker Who Pretended to Be King of Portugal
ISBN: HB: 9780226501086, University of Chicago Press, April 2012
328 pp., 21.8x14.2 cm, 2 maps, 11 halftones, 2 colour illus.
On August 4, 1578, in an ill-conceived attempt to wrest Morocco back from the hands of the infidel Moors, King Sebastian of Portugal led his troops to slaughter and was himself slain. Sixteen years later, King Sebastian rose again. In one of the most...
Visible Empire Botanical Expeditions and Visual Culture in the Hispanic Enlightenment
ISBN: HB: 9780226058535, University of Chicago Press, April 2012
288 pp., 24.1x22 cm, 1 table, 2 halftones, 99 colour illus.
Between 1777 and 1816, botanical expeditions crisscrossed the vast Spanish empire in an ambitious project to survey the flora of much of the Americas, the Caribbean, and the Philippines. While these voyages produced written texts and compiled collect...