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Romantic Things A Tree, a Rock, a Cloud
ISBN: PB: 9780226271347, ISBN: HB: 9780226390666, University of Chicago Press, April 2015
240 pp., 25x15 cm, 28 halftones
Our thoughts are shaped as much by what things make of us as by what we make of them. Lyric poetry is especially concerned with things and their relationship to thought, sense, and understanding. In "Romantic Things", Mary Jacobus explores the world...
Animal Part Human and Other Animals in the Poetic Imagination
ISBN: PB: 9780226272320, ISBN: HB: 9780226650845, University of Chicago Press, April 2015
160 pp., 22.8x15.2 cm
How can literary imagination help us engage with the lives of other animals? The question represents one of the liveliest areas of inquiry in the humanities, and Mark Payne seeks to answer it by exploring the relationship between human beings and oth...
History of Cartography, Volume 6 Cartography in the Twentieth Century
ISBN: HB: 9780226534695, University of Chicago Press, April 2015
1728 pp., 27.9x21.5 cm, 805 colour plates, 119 halftones, 242 line drawings, 61 tables
For more than thirty years, the "History of Cartography Project" has charted the course for scholarship on cartography, bringing together research from a variety of disciplines on the creation, dissemination, and use of maps".Volume 6, Cartography in...
Emptiness Feeling Christian in America
ISBN: HB: 9780226237466, University of Chicago Press, April 2015
232 pp., 22.8x15.2 cm, 8 halftones
For many Christians in America, becoming filled with Christ first requires being empty of themselves – a quality often overlooked in religious histories. In "Emptiness", John Corrigan highlights for the first time the various ways that American Chris...
Metropolitan Jews Politics, Race, and Religion in Postwar Detroit
ISBN: HB: 9780226247830, University of Chicago Press, April 2015
320 pp., 22.8x15.2 cm, 30 halftones
In this provocative and accessible urban history, Lila Corwin Berman considers the role that Detroit's Jews played in the city's well-known narrative of migration and decline. Taking its cue from social critics and historians who have long looked tow...
Dispatches from Dystopia Histories of Places Not Yet Forgotten
ISBN: HB: 9780226242798, University of Chicago Press, April 2015
216 pp., 22.8x15.2 cm, 20 halftones, 7 maps
"Why are Kazakhstan and Montana the same place?" asks one chapter of Kate Brown's surprising and unusual journey into the histories of places on the margins, overlooked or erased. It turns out that a ruined mining town in Kazakhstan and Butte, Montan...
Little Magazine in Contemporary America
ISBN: PB: 9780226120492, ISBN: HB: 9780226240558, University of Chicago Press, April 2015
264 pp., 22.8x15.2 cm, 6 halftones
Little magazines have often showcased the best new writing in America. Historically, these idiosyncratic, small-circulation outlets have served the dual functions of representing the avant-garde of literary expression while also helping many emerging...
Life and Times of a Big River An Uncommon Natural History of Alaska's Upper Yukon
ISBN: PB: 9781602232471, University of Chicago Press, University of Alaska Press, April 2015
200 pp., 22.8x15.2 cm, 22 halftones
When Richard Nixon signed the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act in 1971, eighty million acres were flagged as possible national park land. Field expeditions were tasked with recording what was contained in these vast acres. Under this decree, five...
Accidental Species Misunderstandings of Human Evolution
ISBN: PB: 9780226271200, ISBN: HB: 9780226284880, University of Chicago Press, April 2015
224 pp., 22.8x15.2 cm, 8 line drawings
The idea of a missing link between humanity and our animal ancestors predates evolution and popular science and actually has religious roots in the deist concept of the Great Chain of Being. Yet, the metaphor has lodged itself in the contemporary ima...
Diving Seals and Meditating Yogis Strategic Metabolic Retreats
ISBN: HB: 9780226246710, University of Chicago Press, April 2015
192 pp., 22.8x15.2 cm, 7 halftones, 14 line drawings
The comparative physiology of seemingly disparate organisms often serves as a surprising pathway to biological enlightenment. How appropriate, then, that Robert Elsner sheds new light on the remarkable physiology of diving seals through comparison wi...