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Translations from the Natural World
ISBN: PB: 9781857540055, Carcanet, April 1993
96 pp., 21.5x13.5 cm
Not only the migrating birds speak in "Translations from the Natural World". The imprisoned species of pigs use their slum language; ravens, cuttlefish, sunflowers and a shell-back tick are among those non-verbal members of our natural world which fi...
Peregrination A Selection
ISBN: HB: 9780856359699, Carcanet, October 1992
450 pp., 23.7x15.8 cm
"The Peregrination of Fernao Mendes Pinto, soldier of fortune, trader, pirate, agent, ambassador. During twenty-one years in Ethiopia, Persia, Malaya, India, Burma, Siam, China, Japan, sailing uncharted oriental seas, he was five times shipwrecked, t...
Poorhouse Fugitives Self Taught Poets and Poetry in Victorian Britain
ISBN: PB: 9780856359705, Carcanet, August 1992
80 pp., 20x13 cm
Three traditions are represented in this anthology: a Chartist and radical literature, a Parnassian strand, and a deliberately local manner, often steeped in dialect. This is a literature poised between speech and print, between the anonymous street...
Selected Poems
ISBN: PB: 9780856359590, Carcanet, April 1992
192 pp., 21.5x13.5 cm
This new addition to the elegant Library of Classic Poets series features selections from one of the best-loved poets of the early twentieth century. Elegantly packaged in a handsome edition with a satin ribbon marker, this volume is the perfect addi...
Intelligence of Clouds
ISBN: PB: 9780856462177, ISBN: HB: 9780856462160, Carcanet, May 1989
96 pp., 23x15 cm
"The Intelligence of Clouds" is Stanley Moss's third collection of poems. "We must be grateful to the Anvil Press for importing Stanley Moss", wrote John Fuller of his first, "The Wrong Angel" (1969). Reviewing "Skull of Adam" (1979) in Poetry Review...
Selected Poems
ISBN: PB: 9780856354168, Carcanet, January 1988
264 pp., 22x14 cm
George Meredith (1828-1909) is best known as the author of "The Egoist" and "Diana of the Crossways". His poetry, however, notably the poems from "Modern Love", is emerging from long eclipse, and this selection reveals the diversity and originality o...
ISBN: PB: 9780856461613, Carcanet, September 1986
84 pp., 20x14 cm
"Opia", Alan Moore's first collection of poems, introduces a virtuoso poet capable of an unusual range of forms, tones and images. Central to the book is a sequence of sonnets which unfolds the drama of a doomed love affair, with France and Ireland a...
Living in Disguise
ISBN: PB: 9780856461736, Carcanet, August 1986
120 pp., 22x14 cm
E. A. Markham's new collection confirms his standing as one of the most energetic and original poets to emerge in recent years. "He has a very distinctive voice", commented Carol Rumens in "The Observer". 'Writing in Time Out", Valerie Sinason descri...
Selected Poems
ISBN: PB: 9780856356674, Carcanet, January 1986
144 pp., 19x13 cm
Letter to Juvenal 101 Epigrams from Martial
ISBN: HB: 9780856461415, Carcanet, September 1985
120 pp., 22x14 cm
Martial's name is a byword for caustic and often obscene wit. The fiercest Roman satirist after Juvenal, he was also a poet with a more reflective nature, whose acute observations of life are tinged with a keen awareness of death. Peter Whigham's sel...